Arkense Core v5: Precision

Hello and welcome gate travelers!

Today we are proud to introduce the latest generation of our travel technology, Arkense Core Version 5.

This new generation of our technology is a massive refinement of our capabilities, with the largest changes being an enormous increase in the precision of our connections! On top of this, we have once again managed to increase our temporal stream synchronization capabilities, bringing the limit up to 128 simultaneous streams!

With the Arkense Core v5 we are now able provide synchronization within 8 minutes of target destination, as well as improving our geo-temporal positioning accuracy to within 30mm!

This new level of precision will finally enable permanent establishment of connective infrastructure! We’ve tested an accompanying flexible track design that can easily compensate for the slight positional inaccuracy, and the schematic will be included with your data package when you upgrade to this new core!

As always, we expect to see many new and interesting applications of our groundbreaking technology, and we cannot wait to introduce existing customers to our new version!

Further information will be available within one week, via your current gate solutions advisor.

For new customers, we are excited to hear from you, and we will be ready to help you explore your new operation! We have streamlined our production process, and while we prioritize upgrades to existing customers, we expect minimal to no delays in being able to service your needs!

Welcome to the world of mass transit!