Hello and welcome all gate owners and travelers. This is an official advisory, to serve as a reminder of our gate travel policies as outlined in your contract.
Resource and Artifact Collection 6.8.a
- No indigenous artifacts are permitted to be removed without the express authorization of the leader of that particular social hierarchy.
- Authorization must be documented and submitted to your OGA diplomatic representative prior to artifact transport.
Unauthorized artifact removal, regardless of being discovered by our internal gate security teams or not, may result in a negative impact to diplomatic relations with the affected civilization.
Per your contractual agreements, any unauthorized collection of artifacts from an active civilization will be grounds for termination of your gate services and hardware. As a reminder, you may review the relevant policy section below:
Unauthorized collection of artifacts from an active civilization will result in the following consequences:
- Immediate termination of gate services.
- Seizure of OGA gate hardware and associated information, including:
- Arkense Cores.
- Anchors.
- Collected data generated as part of exploration.
- A monetary penalty equivalent to the value of the artifact(s), as assessed by OGA staff.
- Inclusion on the OGA restricted user list, banning future gate access.
Users who self-report violations within 48 hours of artifact collection may be eligible for reduced penalties, subject to the return of the artifacts and diplomatic reparations.
Enforcement will be carried out by OGA security teams following a thorough investigation. Users may appeal enforcement actions through the designated OGA arbitration process.
Unauthorized Artifact Collection Penalties 6.9.a
Please see the previous official bulletin Customer Bulletin 2021.D11 as an example of why we have included this in your contract, and remember that your actions may affect other gate users as well.
Once again, thank you all for your care and attention in this matter.
Safe travels!