
  • A Partnership For Adventure
    We here at Outland Gate Innovations are pleased to announce that we have partnered with a new company to offer you the opportunity to experience travel with our gate technology! After extensive vetting and planning, we have partnered with a new company called Outland Gate Adventures, who will help facilitate customer journeys. We expect that… Read more: A Partnership For Adventure
  • Destination Catalogue Update
    Good day and welcome to all of our gate owners! We are happy to announce catalogue update 2023.04.03 – V1728G11 This update includes corrections for your navigational software, as well as 17 new destination codes. As always, please ensure your gate revision appears on the list below. If it does not, you will have to… Read more: Destination Catalogue Update
  • Arkense Core v5: Precision
    Hello and welcome gate travelers! Today we are proud to introduce the latest generation of our travel technology, Arkense Core Version 5. This new generation of our technology is a massive refinement of our capabilities, with the largest changes being an enormous increase in the precision of our connections! On top of this, we have… Read more: Arkense Core v5: Precision
  • Arkense Core v4: Mass Transit
    Hello and welcome gate travelers! Today we are proud to introduce the latest generation of our travel technology, Arkense Core Version 4. This new generation of our technology also introduces a new functionality, the mass transit mode! This new mode dramatically raises the capabilities of our temporal stream synchronization to a new level! With the… Read more: Arkense Core v4: Mass Transit
  • Customer Bulletin 2021.X27
    Hello and welcome all gate owners and travelers. This is an official advisory, to serve as a reminder of our gate travel policies as outlined in your contract. No indigenous artifacts are permitted to be removed without the express authorization of the leader of that particular social hierarchy. Resource and Artifact Collection 21.8.a Unauthorized artifact… Read more: Customer Bulletin 2021.X27